Friday, 10 October 2008

Recipe - Grated Gratin

This is a bit off an odd one, but it's really nice. I had it as main dinner, the leftovers will be lunch, but it could work as a side dish too.

If you have friends who are weird, or as they might prefer it; vegetarians, you can leave out the ham and make sure to use veggie cheese and hey presto you got a vegetarian dish. ;)

For once I didn't go for the so-strong-that-it-blows-your-socks-off cheese, mainly because I didn't want it to overpower the ham. However, if you were to go for Black Forest Ham you could go for industrial strength cheese without a problem.

As always, freestyle it. Add and subtract ingredients according to what you have at home and what you like.

Ingredients (serves 2 - 4)
600g potatoes, peeled
2 carrots, peeled
1 courgette, washed
100g air dried or smoked ham, cut into strips
150g cheese, grated
100ml double cream
1 teaspoon fresh thyme

Heat the oven to 225c.

In the meantime grate the vegetables on the coarsest side of your box grater. Squeeze as much of the fluid as possible out of the vegetables. Squeeze a bit more, just to be on the safe side.

Mix the vegetables, ham, cheese, cream and thyme in a bowl and then transfer it into a Pyrex casserole dish or similar. Season very thoroughly.

Pop it into the oven for about 35 - 40 minutes.

Serve with a crisp salad.



  1. Kul! Låter jättegott!
    Om man bortser från squash, morot och timjan, och lägger till gul lök, så liknar det deb rätt vi här hemma kallar "barn-Jansson", dvs Jansson med rökt skinka.
    Jag glömde ta med mig mandolinen vid ett tillfälle då jag skulle göra Jansson. Orkade inte stå och skära potatis, men kom tack och lov på att vi ju hade ett rivjärn! Ett fantastiskt, och ofta underskattat köksredskap.

  2. Barn-Jansson, det var nytt. Det maste ha uppfunnits efter jag flyttade over hit. ;)

    Rivjarn ar bra. Sarskilt stora sadana. Jag hade glomt att skaffa ett nytt sedan sista gangen jag flyttade sa jag rev allt det har med ett pyttelitet handhallet rivjarn i gar kvall. Gissa vad jag ska inforhandla efter jobbet ikvall? ;)


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// Mike