Saturday 28 February 2015

Recipe - Hasselback Potatoes

There is actually an earlier version of this recipe here on the site but that one lacks a photo. This version is also a bit different - you got the choice of either version now.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Saturday 21 February 2015

Recipe - Roasted Beef Short Ribs

I know that is extremely middle class of me but the majority of my shopping is done either at Waitrose or via Ocado. This is something that probably could spawn endless hours of discussion if people so wanted so I'll just skip the reasons behind it for now. One thing I'll do say though is that Waitrose recently have started to have more and more interesting and previously ignored cuts of meat in their shops.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Recipe - Glittering Ginger Rocky Road

This is something as unusual as a guest recipe here at Freestyle Cookery. People who know me are well aware that I'm not much for, or good at, baking and I don't eat or cook much sweet stuff. I let other people, who are good at it - like Han, deal with stuff like this.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Recipe - Prosciutto Roses on Watermelon Cubes

Yeah, I know - this isn't much of a recipe is it? But I kind of liked the flavors and it looked quite nice. Hopefully the picture above does it a little bit of justice.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Recipe - Kimchi

I will have to admit one thing to start with - I don't know how to make Kimchi. I guess you that are reading this right now, quite rightly, wondering what the heck I'm on about? Writing that I don't know how to make Kimchi in a post about making Kimchi?!?