Sunday, 12 October 2008

Recipe - Fried Smoked Salmon Salad

Frying smoked salmon is quite an interesting way of using smoked salmon. A way of cooking it that I picked up from a blind, one-legged, Chinese fellow I met whilst I was serving a 10 year prison sentence in Ecuador for gun-running on the Amazon. Or it might have been off a recipe card from Sainsbury's a couple of years ago. I can't really remember, my memory is a bit hazy when it comes to the details on this... ;)

What you need is some thinly sliced smoked salmon and a good non-stick frying pan. Those two items are the only ones I'd say you really need for this, the rest you can just freestyle out of what you got at home. Add and subtract ingredients as you see fit and make it suit your cupboards and needs.

This can be served as a quite kinky starter or as a fully blown dish. The choice is yours, mon ami!

Smoked salmon, sliced into strips
Mixed lettuce
Radishes, thinly sliced
Cucumber, de-seeded and thinly sliced
Raspberry Vinegar

Mix the lettuce, radishes and cucumber slices.

Heat a non-stick frying pan on a medium to high heat. Fry the salmon slices until they start changing colour, turn over and fry for a little bit longer.

Mix the fried salmon with the vegetables and plate it. Drizzle with raspberry vinegar.



  1. Så enkelt och SÅ gott! Men hallonvinäger?! Det var något nytt för mig! Måste leta upp det någonstans :)

  2. Tackar! Det later lite udda med stekt rokt lax, men det funkar jakligt bra.

    Vinager med udda smaker ar riktigt pa modet har i England. Man hittar det i de flesta storre matbutiker. En del av det smakar riktigt illa, men hallonvinager ar valdigt trevligt. Vaniljglass med lite hallonvinager pa topp ar utsokt.


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// Mike