Monday 8 June 2009

Silly in the kitchen - Beans, Egg and Bacon on Toast

Silly in the kitchen might become a new heading for posts where I just gone a bit silly in the kitchen. One way or another.

This time I just couldn't be bothered to cook something proper for dinner. Not being 100% well I just wanted some kind of comfort food. Some times the simple meal is the most satisfying and you can't get much simpler than some baked beans, bacon, egg and toast.

As I was preparing the meal I realised that I just didn't want to slop it onto the plate in a big pile. I tried to present it in a purdy and interesting way instead. Did I succeed? I'll have leave that up to you to decide.

My recent resolution to try and learn how to cook/make/bake desserts might very easily start to come in under the 'Silly in the kitchen' heading. Either that or, perhaps more probably, the new heading of 'Kitchen Disasters' ;)

Let me know what you think of this 'Silly in the kitchen' malarkey. Like it, loathe it, couldn't really give a shit? Do you just want the normal recipes and reviews or is it ok to add in some of this more off-the-wall stuff? Any comment is welcome.


  1. det var den snyggaste egg and bacon jag sett=)

  2. Tackar sa mycket! En gor sa gott en kan... ;)

    Dags att rodna igen... ;)

    // Mike

  3. Um being thick here but what does 'purdy' mean in this context are you referring to Joanna Lumley?????

  4. goodshoeday, you're not being thick. It's just me being silly and using pure redneck speak. ;)

    Purdy = pretty.

    If you ever seen the move Deliverance you will have heard the sentence: "You sure do got a purdy mouth"

    If you haven't seen Deliverance - don't count on me to explain the scene where it comes from and what happens ;)

    // Mike

  5. Hi Mike,

    Lol we say purdy over here! I think your food is worth a good laugh and I bet it tastes great too.

    One of my goals this year is to be more playful with my food photography. You should keep this up so I can get more ideas!


  6. Laura,

    Oh dear, please remind me never to take my mates for a run down the river around where you live. Please tell me that you don't partake in the occasional banjo duel? ;)

    Thanks for your kind words and I'll try to keep up the playfulness. Not that I think there's anything lacking in your photography.

    // Mike

  7. Just discovered your blog, Mike, and I like it and the Silly in the kitchen idea!

  8. Su-Lin,

    I'm really glad you found your way here and even happier that you like what you've seen so far.

    Thanks for your compliment and comment.

    I hope to see you hear soon again.

    // Mike


Please leave a comment. Positive or negative - all comments are welcome and useful. I do enjoy hearing what you think of my posts, what is good and what needs improving so please post away.

// Mike