After yesterdays psyche out I thought I'd better post a recipe that is a bit saner in most peoples eyes.
Falun sausage is one of the staples in Swedish day-to-day cookery and trying to find variations on how to cook it can be a problem.
I'm not sure how many times I was fed heavily fried falun sausage with pasta as I was growing up but it sure was many a time. This recipe is a bit of a twist on that recipe with the addition of some more flavours than just ketchup. Besides mustard, ketchup seemed to be the only condiment as I was growing up.
So yet again, if you find yourself with a piece of falun sausage after a visit to IKEA and you have no idea what to do with it, try this recipe - you might like it.
You could either use one roasting/gratin dish or split it up into two. My 600ml Pyrex roaster was perfect for one portion.
Ingredients (serves 2)
2 portions of macaroni pasta, cooked just until tender
Olive oil
250g - 300g falukorv, diced
1 red pepper, sliced
1 onion, finely diced
1 green chili, sliced (keep some of the seeds if you want more kick)
120 ml single cream
Grated cheese
Pre-heat the oven to 200c.
Start by sweating the vegetables in a frying pan on a low heat. Once the pepper starts to soften, remove the pan and pour the veg into the dish you are baking in.
Put the pan back on the stove, raise the heat to medium and add the falun sausage. Fry until the falun sausage starts to brown and crisp up. Once again, remove the pan from the stove and pour the falun sausage into the baking dish.
Pour the cooked pasta into the same dish, season and make sure to mix it up well. Pour in the cream and finally cover well with grated cheese.
Pop into the oven until the cheese is melted and starts to get a nice brown colour, about 20 minutes or so.
Serve with a green salad on the side.
falukorv, det är svensk mat det :D
ReplyDeleteJajamensan! ;)
// Mike
Åhhhhhh, jag smugglade med mig falukorv hem från Sverige förra vändan så ikväll blir det banne mig det här receptet!!! Jumjum!!
ReplyDeleteLysande! Det ar alltid roligt nar jag lyckas att inspirera nagon att prova vad jag postar har.
Falukorv ar ju en sadan gammal klassiker att jag ibland har svart att tanka i nya banor nar det kommer till vad att gora med den.
// Mike
Hey! There's a lot of us Non-Swedish recipe enthusiasts reading this too and I for one have no idea what Falun (falukorv) sausage is - and am quite certain I can't buy it in my country. Hows about Europeanising the recipe with ingredients everyone knows and can obtain? snälla!