Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Recipe - Lamb & Feta Naan Pizzas

This is another result of what happens when I go to the supermarket without having a plan/knowing what to cook for dinner.

It all started with me finding some lamb mince with a short date that was marked down. With that in my trolley I started walking around the shop, quite aimlessly, thinking about what could work together with that. Spotting some new kind of Feta cheese that I never cooked with/eaten before was the next step. Soon after that I decided that pizza was the way forward.

Since I couldn't be bothered making pizza dough I decided on using naan breads as the base. After that I just mixed and matched some other ingredients to come up with this.

Have a look at the ingredients and the way to cook it and let me know what you think.

Hopefully you'll trust me when I say that it tasted very nice indeed.

Oh yeah, the feta cheese I found. It's called 'Unearthed Barrel Aged Greek Feta' and it is really awesome. Apparently it's been matured in barrels and the difference in taste to 'normal' feta was quite noticeable. Try it, I think you'll like it!

Ingredients (makes 2 - 4 pizzas depending on how heavy handed you are with the toppings)
500g lamb mince
1 -2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
Olive oil
2 - 4 naan breads (I used coriander & garlic ones)
Sliced black olives
Red onion, thinly sliced
Fresh oregano
Creamy garlic sauce
Preheat the oven to 200c.

In the meantime heat the olive oil in a frying pan on a medium heat. Add the lamb mince and fry it, making sure to break up the mince. Once the mince is starting to take on some colour add the garlic and season well. Fry until well cooked and all (or at least most) of the fat has cooked off.

Put the naan breads on a baking sheet. Top with some fried mince, black olives, oregano leaves and finally crumble some feta on top. Season to taste.

Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes or until the feta starts to melt and has a nice colour.

Before you serve, drizzle the pizzas with some garlic sauce.



  1. Men hallå där vad mycket gott du fixar i ditt kök!
    Jag kommer garanterat tillbaka!

  2. Tackar sa mycket! Valkommen tillbaka och jag hoppas att du gillar vad du ser i framtiden ocksa!

    // Mike

  3. Vilken spännande "pizza", låter ju supergod.

    Ska hålla utkik efter fetaost lagrad på fat, kan inte dra mig till minnes att jag sett någon, men det kan ju ha gått förbi mina ögon. Tack för tipset!

    Ha det bra!

  4. Jessica,

    Tack for den snalla kommentaren. Det har funkade faktiskt valdigt bra. Jag skulle nog tro att man kan gora nagot liknande med pita-brod ocksa.

    Jag ar saker pa att den har typen av feta ost finns i Sverige ocksa. Det ar bara en fraga om var ;)

    // Mike

  5. det är lustigt, ungefär exakt samma ingredienser jag kom hem med från affären senast (också utan lista). det ser iaf ut att blivit en lyckad middag!

  6. Lisa,

    De maste ha rea pa lammfars i manga lander for tillfallet ;)

    Jomenvisst, det har funkade valdigt bra. Smakrikt och mattande, mycket mer kan man inte fraga efter.

    // Mike

  7. I loved it and so made a lunch with quorn and veg. and mozarella for my wife. Delish. Thanks for the idea.

  8. Tony,

    You have no idea how happy it makes me when someone finds a recipe here, cooks it and likes it.

    Thanks for letting me know and I hope that you'll find more stuff to your liking from here in the future.

    // Mike


Please leave a comment. Positive or negative - all comments are welcome and useful. I do enjoy hearing what you think of my posts, what is good and what needs improving so please post away.

// Mike