As the returning reader will know, I've been on a bit of a tomato rampage recently. Guess what, here's another recipe that's using tomatoes. This time they're pan fried and not oven roasted so at least there's some variation.
I was in the mood for a steak sandwich but wanted to freestyle the concept a little bit. This is what I came up with and I think it worked well. It is definitively juicier than what the steak sandwiches I normally cook.
Tell you what, it's getting late and I'm tired so let's head over to the recipe itself...
Ingredients (makes 2 sandwiches)
250g rump steak, sliced fairly thinly
Olive oil
1 onion, cut into wedges
1 red pepper, thinly sliced
1 tbsp cajun spice
3 - 4 medium tomatoes, first halved then each half cut into quarters
Fresh flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped
1 baguette - ends trimmed, cut into half and then split each piece about 3/4 through
Heat the oil in a frying pan on a medium heat. Fry the steak until nicely browned. Remove from the pan and keep warm.
Add the onion, pepper and spice to the same pan. Fry, stirring continually, until the onion starts to brown. Add the tomatoes and simmer until the sauce thickens nicely - about 15 minutes. Stir now and then and feel free to break up the tomatoes.
Once the tomato sauce is nice and thick return the meat to the pan and stir it in together with the parsley.
Spoon the steak and tomato mixture into the baguettes.
Yummy, I love this one! My husband is a big fan of fancy sandwiches and I will make this one for him for sure!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your comment. I'm glad to hear that you'll try it. Not so sure if I'd call it fancy though ;)
// Mike
Well, seeing that my english isn't my mother tongue, I sometimes use strange words :-)
ReplyDeleteSame here. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'll take you calling the sandwich fancy as a very nice compliment indeed. :)
// Mike
What does "pan fried" mean?
ReplyDeleteI always fry in a pan.
ReplyDeleteMy definition of it is that you use less oil than if you were to deep fry it. I guess that shallow frying could be another way of writing it.
You got 'sautéing' as well, which I would characterise as being pan frying but at a much higher heat and for a shorter time.
// Mike
Oh du store kines! De där mackorna gick verkligen inte av för hackor :D
ReplyDeleteHa en skön helg!
ReplyDeleteTackar! Ska man gora mackor sa ar det lika bra att gora det ordentligt... ;)
Trevlig helg pa dig sjalv!
// Mike
Oj oj oj! Vilka härliga recept! Grymt bra blogg! Du är nu bokmärkt! :-D Ha en trevlig fredagkväll! Hälsningar från Öland...
ReplyDeleteLooks good to me - will be trying this next time steak sandwiches are calling to me as a must eat ;)
ReplyDeleteKryddburken: Tackar sa mycket! Det ar nastan sa att man rodnar :) Tack for berommet, din ar en av mina Svenska favoritbloggar. Hoppas att du har haft en bra helg!
ReplyDeleteGoodshoeday: Many thanks and I hope that you'll enjoy them when you try them. They are just that extra bit creamier in the texture, something that makes them a bit different, not to say more interesting.
// Mike
Jisses, vilken kanonmacka. Det skulle jag gärna sätta tänderna i =).
ReplyDeleteSynd att du inte hittar arraksessens i England, för dammsugare är ju så himla goda.
Ha det gott!
ReplyDeleteKul att du gillade receptet. Kanske nagot att prova nagon gang i framtiden?
Ja jag vet. Nu far jag noja mig med att tigga vanner och bekanta att kopa en box eller tva nar de aker till IKEA istallet.
Kul att du tittade in, hoppas att du gillade vad du sag och att du kommer tillbaka.
// Mike
Ja, formentlig sa det er