Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Recipe - Mince and Rice Burritos

I needed to sort out a quick lunch the other day so I checked what I had in the cupboards/fridge etc and this is what I came up with.

I actually forgot, bad Mikey :(, to add the corn when I cooked this but I added it to the recipe so you can benefit from it. ;)

You can of course add the salsa to the burritos but in this case I choose to serve it on the side. Mainly because Solo got a different tolerance to spicy food than what I do.

Cooked rice, I made 2 cups
Beef mince, I used 500g
Corn, one small can
Olive oil
2 onions, chopped
Chilies, chopped - to taste
Garlic, chopped - to taste
Tortillas or wraps

Start by frying the mince in some olive oil, making sure to season it properly. Once the mince is starting to brown add in the onion, garlic and chilies.

Add in the rice and corn to heat through when the mince is fully cooked through and the onion still has some bite.

Put some of the mixture on each tortilla and roll it to a burrito
. You can even make them a bit ahead and use tin foil to contain the heat, if needed they can also be heated in the tin foil.

Serve with some salsa. If you have the time/inclination you could also make a salad to serve with them.


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// Mike