Thursday, 2 June 2011

Recipe - Lemon and Oregano Ribeye Steak

This is the last recipe coming out of the Marco Pierre White masterclass all those weeks ago.

There isn't much to it, that's probably why it tasted quite excellent, even if I do say so myself. There's few things that beats a nice steak and the added flavour on this one really did the trick for me.

With the risk of sound like a evangelist - this Knorr stockcube paste malarkey is actually very versatile and does really add flavour to what you cook. I quite like the way I can freestyle it and mix and match flavours and spices the way I like.

Ok - as I said in the beginning - this is the last recipe to come out of the masterclass. However, I can't promise that it is the last recipe with a stockcube paste. ;)

Ingredients (serves 1)
1 ribeye steak
1 Knorr Chicken stockcube
Olive oil
The zest of one lemon
Fresh oregano, finely chopped

Make a paste out of the stockcube and the olive oil. Add the lemon zest and oregano and stir well.

Spread the paste on one side of the steak and let sit for about 10 minutes.

Heat a griddle pan until you think it's far too hot, let it heat for another couple of minutes.

Pop the steak into the griddle pan with the paste side down. Spread paste onto the other side and cook for your normal time. Flip and finish to your liking.

Remove the steak and let it rest before serving.



  1. seeing as usually salt is the top ingredient in stock cubes, wouldn't you achieve similar results just using some salt?

  2. Lizzie,

    I'm no expert on stock and stock cubes but I think they've gone away a bit from what they used to be like. All press about salt and the dangers of eating too much of it have probably made them cut down on the amount of salt in their cubes etc.

    You could easily do this with just some salt, lemon and oregano if you wish. However, at the event with Marco we did try the different dishes cooked with and without the stock cube paste and as someone without any vested interest I must say that the paste did really add some extra flavour compared to the traditionally flavoured steaks, tuna and chicken.

    I've since cooked using the paste myself and people I've subjected it to have all liked it.

    But like everything with food - it's your own preferences that matter.

    The only thing I could say is that it might be fun and worthwhile to make a taste test yourself?

    // Mike


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// Mike