Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Recipe - Chicken, Chorizo and Sundried Tomato Bakes

These could probably look quite impressive, at least if you are a bit better at working with pastry than what I am. I'm sure some creative pastry-types could make some nice decorations to go on them - as well as making them look uniform and generally a bit nicer.

They are fairly easy to put together and yet again - freestyle them to your hearts content. For example, I could easily see myself putting some cheese and ham in the chicken instead of the chorizo and tomatoes.

Use your fantasy, what's the worst that can happen? Yeah, that's true - it could go horribly wrong. Let's rephrase that - use your fantasy combined with some common sense! ;-)

After that little thought experiment - let's look at the recipe.

Ingredients (serves 4)
4 chicken breasts
Thinly sliced chorizo
Sun dried tomatoes, chopped
Fresh basil, torn
1 x 500g block of puff pastry
1 egg, lightly beaten

Pre-heat the oven to 220c.

Slice the chicken breasts horizontally along the length, making sure not to cut all the way through. Spread the chicken breast like a butterfly and press down with your hands to flatten it a bit.

Put chorizo slices, chopped tomatoes and basil on the chicken breasts and season to taste. Roll up the chicken breasts. and put to the side while you prepare the puff pastry.

Roll out the pastry to a rectangle of about 35 x 40 cm. Cut into 4 equal squares and pop a chicken breast onto each one.

Brush the edges of the pastry squares with a small-ish amount of beaten egg (don't use too much or it won't seal properly).

Fold the squares into small parcels and push firmly to seal.

Flip the parcels upside down and put them onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper or tin foil.

Cut some slits on the top of each parcel to allow steam to escape and brush with some more beaten egg.

Bake in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until nicely golden and risen.



  1. OOoh yum this looks delicious!

  2. I think I would want this exact same filling! It's such a delicious combination!

  3. I'd call this 'Chicken Surprise' as I didn't expect the flavors I got until I started actually eating this. Very very yummy and delicious !
    As always Mike, it's a winner :)

  4. Jan: This wasn't too bad, even if I say so myself. ;)

    Reeni: The chorizo and tomato flavour did really work well together but I'm sure there's more to be found. Salami, black olives and feta anyone?

    Karin: Glad to hear that I surprised you in a nice way, for once. ;)

    // Mike


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// Mike