Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Recipe - Fried Eggs Savoyard

Here's a filling meal that is fairly quick to make. Works perfect for brunch. If you want you can replace the Gruyere with Reblochon, Tomme or even Camembert.

Fried Eggs Savoyard - Serves 6 - 8

5 potatoes
100g grated Gryuere cheese
6 eggs

First, wash, peel and slice the potatoes. Then pan-fry them in a little oil until golden.

Grease an ovenproof dish, line the dish with the potatoes and break the eggs over the top - taking care to cover all the potatoes.

Sprinkle with the Gruyere cheese and place under a hot grill for 10 minutes until the cheese is bubbling and golden.


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// Mike