Thursday, 2 August 2007

Book review - How To Grill

I recently bought How To Grill by Steven Raichlen. I can't give it more praise than telling you that if you ever consider barbecuing anything - buy it.

I can open this book on any page and find a recipe that makes my mouth water and my body wanting to go outdoors and fire up the old barbecue.

The recipes are divided in logical chapters. You got the pork, beef, fish, shellfish and so on chapters. All recipes comes with excellent instructions and mouth-watering step-by-step color photos.

Besides the recipes there are also chapters on how to set up your barbecue, how to clean and look after it as well as advice on various types of barbecues and equipment.

My biggest problem with this book is how to choose which recipe to cook first!

Mikey's advice: Go and buy yourself a copy. You will not regret it!

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// Mike