Saturday, 28 February 2015

Recipe - Hasselback Potatoes

There is actually an earlier version of this recipe here on the site but that one lacks a photo. This version is also a bit different - you got the choice of either version now.
For once there's two pictures attached. The one with three potatoes is where I didn't bother peeling them and the single one is peeled. Not much difference in the end - I guess there's more nutrition left when you don't peel them, but that's about it. The other thing you can take away from this is that you can see that they 'open up' differently every time you cook Hasselback potatoes.

As I mentioned in the previous post this is a very classic Swedish dish that allegedly is named after Restaurant Hasselbacken in Stockholm. There is however different versions of how this dish got its name, but this one works for me.

Swedish, and Nordic in general, cuisine had a bit of a upswing in the rest of the world a couple of years ago. This dish might be a bit more familiar now than when I posted my old recipe back in 2007. Having a photo to accompany the recipe might also assist you in recognising it. 

True to form I strongly advise that you freestyle your approach to how to make Hasselback potatoes. You can use most types of potatoes - I've not tried with sweet potatoes, yet - and whether or not you peel them is up to you. I've used King Edward potatoes this time but most varieties should work. If you just adjust the timings a bit you can make quite cute Hasselbacks out of new potatoes.

In order to avoid cutting too far through you can always use the old trick of putting the potato in a wooden spoon as you slice it. I've seen 'Hasselback cutting devices' for sale but I must say that I'd probably beat you to a pulp with it if you tried to make me use one of those.

You can't really do much wrong when you cook these but try not to forget the second basting of butter - that is what makes them extra good. By that time the slices have separated a bit and the buttery goodness reaches a bit further down/in. 

As you grow confident in your Hasselback potatoes you can start to freestyle them even more. Some recipes calls for adding cheese towards the end of the baking for some added dairy goodness. Grated parmesan works a treat!

In Sweden I'd expect them to be served with a nice steak or something like that - but as always, only your imagination puts limits on your culinary adventures.

Interested in how to cook this? Either way, here it is.

Ingredients (serves 4 or so)
6 - 8 medium sized firm potatoes
2 -3 tbsp unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
Freshly ground pepper
Breadcrumbs (I used panko since I'm a bit of a fancypants)

Pre-heat the oven to 225c.

Wash, and peel if you so wish, the potatoes and then slice them at least 3/4 the way through, but not all the way through. Put them on a baking tray or in a oven safe dish, preferably on parchment paper to cut down on the washing up time. Brush the potatoes with roughly half the butter. Season with salt and pepper and pop them in the oven.

After 25 minutes or so, brush the potatoes with the rest of the butter and return them to the oven. 

Give them another 15 minutes in the oven and then top the potatoes with the breadcrumbs.

10 minutes or so should finish them off nicely and they're ready to be served



  1. I never posted the potato recipe on my blog, but I have a hasselback potato in the photo at my pan-seared new york strip steak post of two years ago. Don't think I've taken the trouble to make the potatoes since then, but I do like them a lot. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. To be honest - bit of a filler post but it is also quite a different way of serving the potatoes so I thought it might gain some interest.

      It was a staple on the dinnerparty circuit when I was growing up so I guess it is ingrained in me. ;)

      // Mike

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmm these look delicious, thanks for posting up this recipe, looks quite simple to make.



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// Mike