Saturday, 14 February 2015

Recipe - Glittering Ginger Rocky Road

This is something as unusual as a guest recipe here at Freestyle Cookery. People who know me are well aware that I'm not much for, or good at, baking and I don't eat or cook much sweet stuff. I let other people, who are good at it - like Han, deal with stuff like this.

The Ginger Rocky Road has become something of a classic, so far I've not heard of a single person who didn't like it. It started like a bit of a freestyling of Han's standard rocky road recipe but have now almost taken over as the preferred recipe.

I have been told that it is very easy to make, not that I'm very likely to try it, and it does look like something most people could make.

The photo I took of it has the entire, half recipe, slab in one piece but normally it would be cut up into bite-sized chunks. Then, if the mood and the season is right, it would be packaged up in small cellophane bags and tied up with a bit of decorative string. A rather appreciated little gift as things go.

I have been furbished with some tips to hand over. The edible glitter is best in gold but for a seasonal touch, try some red and/or green glitter. Another variation that is still to be tried, but could work nicely, is one with plain biscuits and Kendal mint cake.

Well - enough waffling from me, let's look at this recipe now.

300g dark chocolate, broken into pieces
125g unsalted butter
60ml Golden Syrup
200g Ginger nut biscuits, bashed – crumbs and chunks
120g chopped crystallized ginger - variously sized pieces

Melt butter, chocolate and golden syrup in a pan on the hob or make it simple for yourself and nuke it in a microwaveble bowl.

When melted, add biscuits and ginger and stir together.

Put into a tin lined with parchment paper and smooth down the top. Dust with edible glitter.

Refrigerate until it has hardened. Cut into bite size pieces.


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// Mike