Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Lazy Sunday Brunch Hash

This is yet another one of my really lazy recipes. You take what you have, fry for a bit and then you eat. Simple, filling and tasty. Just what you want for a lazy Sunday brunch.

In this case take some sliced potatoes, you can use leftover boiled or roasted ones, and parboil them quickly. Pop them into a pan with some oil on medium heat. If you want the potatoes to be a bit crunchy you can always add some bread crumbs. Chuck in some sliced onion and diced chorizo. Season to your liking. Fry until it's all golden, crispy and tasty.


1 comment:

  1. Skönt att det löste sig med bilduppladdningen.
    Dett låter i min värld som den perfekta rätten "dagen efter kvällen före"...


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// Mike