Friday, 14 August 2009

Recipe - Lamb Burgers with Feta and Basil Sauce

These lamb burgers are as good as lamb burgers come but the real star in this recipe is the sauce.

I matched it with lamb burgers this time but it could work with beef burgers, chops or why not as a different condiment for your Sunday roast?

It's dead simple to make and you'll be royally rewarded for your efforts.

Serving lamb burgers in pita pockets feels more right than serving them in buns for some reason so I go with that.

Enough chatting, over to the recipe...

Ingredients (makes about six burgers)
500g lamb mince
1 egg
1 red onion, finely diced
1 garlic clove, finely diced
1 tbsp curry powder

Feta and Basil Sauce
200g feta cheese
25g fresh basil leaves
2 tbsp olive oil

To serve
Pita pockets
Mixed salad
Sliced tomatoes

Mix all the ingredients for the lamb burgers in a bowl. Make the mince mixture into six even patties. Fry, grill or barbecue the patties until done to your liking.

In the meantime put the feta, basil leaves and olive oil into a food processor and run until you got a nice even texture.

Serve the patties in pita pockets with the greens and the feta and basil sauce.



  1. I like the look of the sauce a lot. Lamb burgers with pitta makes it much more like a kebab - a good thing I'm sure ;)

  2. Hej Mike! Längesedan jag var här.

    Det här lät ju jättegott! Lämpligt för miog dessutom, som är lite rabiat och bara vill ha hembakat...pitabröd funkar så mycket bättre att frysa än hamburgerbröd, enligt mina erfarenheter...

  3. hej!!I heard from Andy,that he tasted one of your dinners(this week)....He was delighted..couldn't find any words to describe it.When will I have that honour to taste your meal? ;)))Marzena

  4. goodshoeday: That sauce turned out really nice, can be used for quite a lot of different stuff too. Give it a go! Dirty Kebabs are always good ;)

    Annika: Tjenis! Kul att se dig igen. Jag har varit lite slo pa senaste tiden, eller rattare sagt. Jobbet har tagit alldeles for mycket tid. Jo, du har alldeles ratt dar, hamburgerbrod fryser jakligt illa.:(

    Marzena: You never know when a dinner invite might snake its way to you ;)

    // Mike


Please leave a comment. Positive or negative - all comments are welcome and useful. I do enjoy hearing what you think of my posts, what is good and what needs improving so please post away.

// Mike