Wednesday 15 August 2007

Recipe - Oven baked farmers omelet

I've got some eggs at home that must be used up so I thought of this old recipe from Sweden. It's fast, easy and tasty. Sounds like a plan to me! :)

Now updated with pictures!

Oven baked farmers omelet - Serves 4

150g smoked cubed bacon, or pancetta
600g frozen mixed vegetables
2 tablespoons parsley, cut
8 eggs
100 ml water
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Set your oven to 225c/425f/gas mark 7.

Fry the cubed bacon in its own fat. Add the vegetables and the parsley.

Whisk together the eggs, water, salt and pepper.

Pour the fried bacon and vegetables into a oven safe roasting tin or similar. Pour on the egg mixture. Put the roasting tin in the middle of the oven, let it stay there for about 20 minutes or until the omelet is set.


Before the oven

After the oven

On the plate


  1. seriously, frozen vegetables?

  2. I know, not really the most 'foodie' way of doing things but sometimes you need a quick and easy dish. This time I cheated and used frozen vegetables...

    Bad Mikey :(


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// Mike