Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Recipe - Raspberry and Coconut slice


The baking madness continues...

I'm sure that my colleagues love this sudden foray into baking since they're the ones who get to sample the goods. The thing I would like to know is how you readers feel about it? I'm still so new to it that I cannot do my normal freestyling and make up recipes on my own. The recipes will be coming from various cookbooks, magazines and so on.

Are you readers still interested and willing to read the recipes even if they're not my own and you could find them if you bought the same cookbooks? I will never take the credit for a recipe that's not mine, I'll always give full credit to where I found it - if I still have that information.

Please use the comment field if you feel like it. Let me know what you think, should I post some baking stuff too - even if the recipes can be found elsewhere?

This recipe comes from a cookbook called Traybakes & Slices that are published by The Australian Women's Weekly. They publish a large number of cookbooks and I must say that I really like what they do. Nice pictures, great recipes that are easy to follow and the cookbooks are normally very decently priced.

Ok, on to the recipe...

90g butter, softened
110g caster sugar
1 egg
35g self-raising flour
100g plain flour
1 tbsp custard powder
220g raspberry jam

Coconut topping
160g desiccated coconut
55g caster sugar
2 eggs, beaten lightly

Pre-heat the oven to 180c(160c fan). Line a 20cm x 30cm shallow baking tin with parchment paper.

Beat butter, sugar and egg with your mixer until light and fluffy. Stir in sifted flours and custard powder. Spread this mixture in the tin. Cover with jam.

Combine all the ingredients for the coconut topping in another bowl and spread/sprinkle on top of the jam.

Bake for about 40 minutes and let cool in tin before slicing.


  1. Looks very delicious! I love anything with coconut. Great with a cup of tea.

  2. Meh, blogger just deleted my long ish comment. In short:

    Nice recipe, want to try, reminds me of German recipe I can't remember name of.

    Baking, up to you, once you become more comfortable you can freestyle anyway, but it's your blog, so your decision. :)

  3. Just nu tävlar jag bort en ABTRONIC X2 på min blogg! Var med och tävla du med :)

  4. Hej Mike

    As long as you have baked it and liked it, I dont care where the recipe to come from us. It may even inspire us to freestyle on some of these.

    Ha det så bra!

  5. Coconut is my favorite...so I'm sure this is delicious.

  6. Jag tycker det är helt okej att publicera andras recept. I synnerhet när det inte är detsamma som "alla andra", (dvs Leilas senaste kokbok, senaste numret av Allt om Mat eller något liknande).

    Vi har ju alla gamla/nya favriter, som vi vill dela med oss av.

    Själv har jag varit lite anti andras reept under en längre period, kanske i synnerhet på grund av att vissa matbloggar känns som att de innehåller för många sådana recept. Men, det är ju inte någon större risk hos dig!


Please leave a comment. Positive or negative - all comments are welcome and useful. I do enjoy hearing what you think of my posts, what is good and what needs improving so please post away.

// Mike