Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Recipe - Maple Syrup roast Crown of Duck

The other day when I was walking around in the supermarket I noticed that they had a special on Crown of Duck. Not really knowing what that was I thought I'd give it a go.

It turns out that a Crown of Duck is basically a duck someone stolen the legs from. When you cook it you get two breasts and that's about it. Some people might see that as a little bit of a waste of good duck space but for me it worked.

I got a fairly big and filling dinner out of one of the breasts and the other one I converted into wraps for lunch the day after. All I did was to slice up the breast, slap that onto some wraps and then add julienned leek and cucumber. Finish off with some hoisin sauce and wrap it up. Simples.

Adjust the times below to suit you and your bloodlust. The times below worked fine for a duck weighing in just over 900g and kept the meat still juicy without oozing blood.

Over to the, very short, recipe....

1 Crown of Duck
Pepper, freshly ground
Garlic cloves to taste
Maple suryp

Pre-heat the oven to 200c.

Score the skin several times over each breast. Massage in salt and pepper, making sure to penetrate the scores. Chuck a couple of garlic cloves into the cavity.

Pop the bird onto a roasting grill in a roasting tray. Cook in the oven for 50 - 55 minutes, rotating the tray halfway through.

Remove from the oven and pour over 2 - 3 tbsp of maple syrup. Return to the oven for another 10 - 15 minutes. Rotate the tray halfway through again if you feel like it.

Remove from the oven. Allow to rest for 5 - 10 minutes before carving.



  1. Vilken fin blogg du har! Titta gärna in min med om du har tid :)

  2. Det låter ju faktiskt riktigt smart! Som "bröstfiléer med benen kvar" - borgar väl för saftigt kött?

  3. Nice post, nice site. I'm gonna give the maple duck a go today...

  4. This looks great! I love duck, so will definately be trying this!



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// Mike