Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Recipe - Tagliatelle with Pork Fillet in a creamy Dolcelatte sauce

I think we've been here before my friends. The place where I don't give you exact measurements and times in the recipe, allowing you to freestyle it to your hearts content - making it yours. Just see this is a guideline.

There are a couple of reasons behind this approach this time.

Firstly, this recipe isn't exactly rocket surgery so you should be ok with just some general guidance.

Secondly, I'm about to move at the end of this week so my place is in even more of a state than usual and I'm desperately short of time. Packing is not fun and I seem to be fighting a losing battle against time.

Enough moaning - let's get back to the food.

This is just something I threw together with some ingredients I had lying around. I wish I had some fresh herbs to add to it, but it worked quite ok as it was.

When you season this, don't forget that the Dolcelatte can be quite salty so taste it before seasoning.

Enough chit-chat, those boxes won't fill themselves, as the Madam said.

Pork fillet, trimmed of the silverskin and excess fat - sliced into medallions
Olive oil
Shallot, finely chopped/minced
Single cream
Dolcelatte cheese

Boil the tagliatelle as per the instructions on the package.

In the meantime, heat a frying pan on a medium heat and add a tablespoon or so of olive oil. Fry the seasoned pork medallions until cooked and nicely golden. Remove and keep warm.

Pop the shallot into the frying pan, add some oil if it's too dry, and make sure to scrape the bottom well to release the goodness from the pork. Fry until the shallot starts to soften a bit, don't let it start to colour up.

Add the cream and stir well, crumble in Dolcelatte and let it melt whilst stirring. Season to taste.

Drain the pasta and serve together with the pork and sauce.



Please leave a comment. Positive or negative - all comments are welcome and useful. I do enjoy hearing what you think of my posts, what is good and what needs improving so please post away.

// Mike