Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Recipe - Chicken, Bacon and Avacado Quesadillas

Quesadillas are one of my favourite dishes. Not only is it quick and easy to cook, they are also one of the most freestyle-able dishes that I know of.

It is not really rocket surgery to make quesadillas but it is hard to run out of ideas and combinations. You can make sweet as well as savoury ones. Quesadillas for dessert can be ace, if you just got the guts to try it.

I'm using a poached chicken breast in this recipe, for instructions on how to best poach it - have a look here.

You can eat quesadillas with your hands or with knife and fork if you need to behave in front of others. I sometimes make one extra, let it cool, cut it in four pieces, clingfilm each piece and then I got next days lunch for work sorted.

This is just one of my many quesadilla variations, there might be more recipes with different variations coming your way soon, but in the meantime - just freestyle it and make them your way.

I never use oil or butter in my pan when I cook quesadillas. Trust your well seasoned cast iron pan or a good non-stick pan instead.

As always, the measurements here are mere indications. Use your own judgement and make them the way you want them.

Ingredients (makes 4)
8 flour tortillas
Grated cheese (Cheddar, Monterey Jack etc)
1 poached chicken breast, shredded
1 avocado, sliced
8 rashers of smoked streaky bacon, grilled and cut into pieces
Hot Sauce, for example Frank's or Cholula (optional)
Smoked paprika (optional)
Fresh coriander (optional)

For each quesadilla do the following:

Top a tortilla with a good layer of grated cheese. On top of that - portion out chicken, avocado and bacon. If you are using any of the optional extras, add those too. Finish off with another layer of cheese.

Put the tortilla into a frying pan on a medium-low to medium heat. Top with another tortilla, press down with a spatula and cover with a lid. Cook for about 3 minutes, flip the tortilla, cover again and let cook for another 3 minutes or so.

Keep the cooked ones warm and repeat until all quesadillas are done.

Serve with sour cream and/or guacamole.



  1. what can i say... as a good mexican i LOVE quesadillas XD with bacon tasted so good!

  2. You have a neat cooking blog here. And I particularly like the way you take photos of your creations.

    Keep it up!

  3. Looks great to me! Hands eater here ;)

  4. This looks great!

    Nice work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the Next Blog button on the blue Nav Bar located at the top of my site. I frequently just travel around looking for other blogs which exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people express themselves. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great, these sound really tasty - quesadilla and bacon. Think I'll have these for lunch. Thanks

  6. THIS SOUNDS AMAZING!!!! I can not wait to try it! yum yum

  7. hi I just did your sticky pork mince and egg noodles...the husband absolutely loved it...will def do it again xxx

  8. Your recipes are rather easy to follow yet they look so scrumptious!

    You've gained a follower. I'm dying to see what you'll post next!


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// Mike